• What is hoarding?
    Hoarding is defined by the NHS as “Excessively acquiring items that appear of little or no value and not being able to throw them away, resulting in unmanageable amounts of clutter”.
    Compulsive hoarding can be a distressing and debilitating psychological condition, and since 2013 hoarding disorder has been recognised as a Mental Health condition.
  • How can Southway help?

    Tidy Homes, Tidy Minds

    Our Tenancy Support Team runs the 'Tidy Homes Tidy Minds' scheme which provides a resource to identify and address properties affected by hoarding. Their aim is to make a real, long-term difference to the individual's life.

    The scheme equips individuals with the skills and coping techniques to maintain their homes in the future, alongside providing individuals with better and safer living environments.

    To find out more, visit the Facebook page or download our brochure

    NEW Hoarding Support Group

    Launching in January 2020, this friendly peer-support group is open to anyone struggling with Hoarding Disorder.

    The group is led by Lynsey and Lorna from Tidy Homes, Tidy Minds, a specialist resource to identify and address properties affected by hoarding. Friends and family welcome.

    The first session will take place on Thursday 9th January, from 2pm - 4pm, at Withington Fire Station. You can stay up to date with future dates through our events calendar.

    For more information, please contact Lynsey on 07766504707.

  • More information and contact us

    To view our brochure and rates click here.

    For more details and to contact our Hoarding Team, click here or the logo below:

  • Give us your feedback (service users)

    All feedback is used to assess and look at the ways that we can improve and monitor the Tidy Homes Tidy Minds service.

    Please note that no names will be attached to the feedback/photos.