We’re conducting quarterly tenant satisfaction surveys during the 2024-2025 financial year.
A representative sample of our tenants will take part in each survey, and the next one is due to start in the week beginning Monday 12th August when face-to-face interviews with tenants will begin.
Soon a number of tenants will be sent an email inviting them to take part in the survey online from 7th September to 17th September. The final phase of the survey will see telephone interviews carried out, and these are due to take place between 18th September and 27th September.
Emails will come from Southway Survey (southway@previsionresearch.co.uk).
Calls for the telephone survey will come from 01908 278310. This is the number of the Prevision Research call centre.
If you have a question please see our FAQs below:
Q What is the survey?
Annual Tenant Satisfaction Measures surveys are required by the Regulator of Social Housing. Every year all social housing landlords must publish a range of standard customer satisfaction information which will include some of the results from this survey.
Q Why are we doing this survey?
We’re required by the government to complete this survey every year. We get a research company to carry it out to make sure the survey is independent and reliable.
Q You are having trouble accessing the online survey.
Some tenants will receive a link that will log them in automatically to the survey and allow them to resume where they left off. The email also contains a link to unsubscribe if they want to receive no further emails.
Technical support is available by e-mail to southway@previsionresearch.co.uk.
Q When might Southway staff knock on my door?
Visits might be made anytime between 10am and 7.30pm, Monday to Friday, and 11am-4pm on Saturday.
Q Who will call me if I’m asked me to take part in the telephone survey?
Our research company ARP Research and their partners Prevision Research will call you with the survey questions.
Q When will tenants be called?
Calls are made anytime between 10am and 9pm, Monday to Friday.
Q My neighbour has received an email, visit or phone call, why haven’t I received one?
The survey is being carried out with a representative sample of tenants. The sample has been randomly selected so that it is big enough to make sure we get statistically reliable results without costing more money than is needed. This is a recommended way of doing a survey like this. We’re planning to do another survey in August, so the chance to take part will come around again soon.
Q How is the survey confidential if we know who tenants are?
If you take part in the survey, any link between your identity and the answers you give is removed as soon as possible by ARP, and we will never see who you are unless you give your explicit consent.
Q I want to know specific details about how the survey has been designed or is being run or want to speak to ARP Research directly.
You can telephone ARP Research on Freephone 0800 020 9564, or email support@arp-research.co.uk.