Hello and welcome to September's blog. This month I would like to tell you about the new community web portals that we are currently developing. The sites are based around the 4 main geographical areas we work in, and will be accessed via our main website:
Withington, Old Moat & Fallowfield
Chorlton & Chorlton Park
Didsbury East & West
What will be on the sites?
These community-based sites will provide useful local information and links relevant to tenants living in these areas, as well as a local news feed which will include events and activities within the community. They also offer the opportunity to submit your own events and news, so that if you are running an activity that would benefit Southway residents, you can promote it more widely via our website.
We also want to use these sites to explain to our tenants exactly what work Southway is doing to improve their communities.
Making our strategy clear and relevant to tenants
Our Futures Strategy includes a number of broad themes such as:
- Creating new homes to address the homelessness crisis in Manchester
- Making our neighbourhoods more carbon-friendly
- Working with agencies such as the police to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour within our communities.
These portals will break down these broad objectives into real actions that we will be delivering in each of our neighbourhoods. For example, the actions that we take to address an issue like anti-social behaviour may include things such as installing CCTV cameras, fitting bollards to discourage quad biking or working with the police and schools to address issues with gangs.
Using your local web pages
To find out exactly what’s occurring in your area please take some time to visit your community portal; the pages will be launched at the end of October and we will be promoting this to all our tenants. If we have your email address we will send you a reminder nearer to the time.
There is even a forum where tenants can leave comments and join in with discussions, so you can tell us whether you think we’re getting it right or not, give us your ideas on projects you would like to see delivered in your area and let us know if there is more useful information you would like on the pages.
Get in touch
If you have any suggestions or ideas for these pages - such as information you think it would be valuable to include, discussion topics, or priorities for your local area - please comment with them below, and I will get back to you. It would be really good to hear from tenants as these pages were designed based on the feedback that you wanted more localised, community updates.
Looking forward to hearing from you.