• Welcome

    Welcome to your neighbourhood page, Chorlton and Merseybank residents!

    Follow the links across the page to find information about your area, and what we're planning to do here.

    See this page as your virtual neighbour! Join the conversation, tell us what's important to you in Chorlton and give your feedback.

  • Local Offer

    In Chorlton and Merseybank, in 2022/23, we commit to doing the following:

    • Antisocial behaviour – March Update

      March 2022 Update

      Youth Provision: We are continuing to look at options around how we can steer the perpetrators of the current ASB problems towards other less disruptive activities.  However, we are also aware that the local community centre already offers a broad range of options which this group are choosing not to engage with. We are working with the families involved to try and identify suitable opportunities. Where possible, we will include engagement in these activities as a condition within the ABCs (Acceptable Behaviour Contracts) that we agree with the families involved. Sadly, it is the case that some members of this gang have moved passed a point where Southway are realistically able to provide any meaningful support. In these cases we will continue to work closely with the police, and intend to pursue the legal routes available to us around tenancy enforcement.


      Environmental Target Hardening around Neville Drive: We are working with the Neighbourhoods Team and the Environmental & Sustainability Management Officer to look at Crime Prevention through Environmental design in the area.


      CCTV camera on Newbrook Avenue: There have been further technical issues in relation to this camera, we can now confirm that the issues have been resolved and the camera is now back online.


      Door Cameras: The Doorbell cameras have been gifted to certain residents that have been regular victims of ASB.  The complaints have significantly reduced in this area.


      Fly tipping: The Neighbourhoods Team and MCC are working in partnership to identify and investigate those responsible, following information from local residents that have witnessed fly tipping incidents, this work is on-going.


      Incidents: Southway has seen a significant reduction in the amount of complaints received.  Southway have liaised with GMP to check their systems to see if the data is the same. 


      Parenting Support/Tenancy Enforcement/Youth Engagement: Southway has previously taken Tenancy Enforcement action against the parents of some of the young persons identified.  A number of the young persons have also signed up to Acceptable Behaviour Contracts and agreed to engage with a Restorative Justice group (Remedi).  Their key aim is to reduce the criminalisation of children and young people who are on the periphery of the criminal justice system. This will be achieved through a restorative approach – getting to the underlying issues – and tailoring their work around the needs of the young people.  In addition to this we are offering Parenting Support

      Read the latest Neighbourhood Team Newsletter here

    • We will build and develop...


      24 Units for Shared Ownership

      • • 24 x 2 Bed Apartments

      Start on site: March 2019

      Build completion: September 2019

      Barlow Moor Road 

      • 15 x 1 Bed Apartments 
      • 24 x 2 Bed Apartments 

      Status: Complete 

      Scheme onsite at 501 Barlow Moor Road to create 3 new homes under the Rough Sleeper programme.

      Find out more information on this development here

      Nell Lane

      • 12 x 3 Bed Apartments

      Status: Onsite 

      For updates on our Nell Lane development click here

      Coming soon

      39 Shared Ownership apartments

      A property has been purchased on Barlow Moor Road to create 3 new homes under the Rough Sleeper programme

      Planning submitted for Irish Club on High Lane

      We have been selected as preferred partner to deliver minimum of 24 age friendly apartments at Ryebank Fields

      More information released soon


    • We will provide these age friendly and support services...

      Activities at the Sheltered Housing Schemes

      The Age Friendly Delivery Team manage our Sheltered Housing Schemes and bungalow sites in Chorlton. The Officers carry out health and wellbeing visits to our residents living in these properties. In our Sheltered Housing Schemes residents have access to communal facilities, a lounge, laundry and gardens and the properties benefit from a community alarm which is monitored 24/7 365 by an offsite company who can provide reassurance and contact services in the event of a health emergency.

      The following activities take place weekly at Holland Court:

      • Monday – arm chair exercise with Charlotte 10.30 to 11.30am
      • Tuesday – Crafts with Glenys 1.00 to 3.00pm
      • Wednesday – Alternative weeks coffee morning / Yoga with Spiros
      • Thursday – Hair dressing 11.30 to 3.00pm with Julie
      • Friday – 1.00 to 3.00pm Crocheting with Glenys

      In addition, there are periodic Time Bank Events held at Holland Court which will be advertised locally.

      Chorlton Peer Support Network

      The aim is to reduce loneliness and isolation and build a sense of neighbourliness and community by developing a network of trained older people acting as a Peer Support Network, who develop activities that create connections and improve wellbeing. We are looking for volunteers from Chorlton become involved in the project.

      Holland Court, Chorlton 

      Holland Court in Chorlton held a Christmas party and day trip to Blackpool was organised. Regular activities include craft club and coffee mornings.

    • We will provide customer investment and community involvement...

      Cost of Living Community Lunch

      Cost of Living Community Lunch hosted by Barlow Moor Community Association which took place on the 1st of March 2023. Lots of services and activities were in attendance to provide information and advice.


  • Map

    Here are your local services, green spaces, community hubs and more. Click the icon in the top left corner of the map, to open the menu:

  • Events

    Events, courses and opportunities coming up in Chorlton. Please add your own community events by clicking Submit Event:










  • Services
  • #Chorlton


     Join the conversation


    If you would like your community group or organisation to feature on these lists, let us know!

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/southwayhousing

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/southwayhousing

    Please note, Southway is not responsible for the content of tweets from other organisations.

  • Funding

    Do you have an idea that would make Chorlton an even greater place to live?

    The Beautiful South Fund is funding of up to £2,500 for any group or individual with an idea focussed around community projects, whether they are big or small, that help improve and bring people together within your neighbourhood. The theme of the fund is neighbourliness.

    Some community initiative ideas could include:

    • Improving green space
    • Funding local footy team
    • Coffee mornings
    • Neighbourly meet ups 

    Interested in applying?

    Download the Application Form here

    If completing the form within your web browser, select Print > Save as PDF. to save the completed form.

    Return it by email to Maureen Ward – m.ward@southwayhousing.co.uk

    Or contact 0161 448 4229 if you would like to request a paper application form.

  • Forum

    We'd love your feedback. Discuss key topics, ask questions and communicate with others in your community using this forum. 

    What would you like to see Southway do next in Chorlton and Merseybank?