Make sure you come along to our next Tenant Forum on Saturday 11th May and help Southway Housing Trust make a New Beginning!

It’s at Southway’s Southern Gate offices and the morning will feature drop-in sessions on different topics for you to join and give your views.

As we will be in late spring the theme will be New Beginnings, a fresh start.

Southway staff will be available to take note of any individual issues you have. You can also meet Hannah, Rachel and Christine, the tenants who are Southway’s new community feedback officers.

You can call in at any time between 10.30am and 1pm, so whether you've been a part of our previous tenant voice events or not, we'd love for you to join us.

Tenants like you giving their views at the forums and in other ways such as the STAR Survey have really helped shape our services in the past year. For example, we invested heavily in our repairs service after you told us how important it was to you that we make things better.

With our new staff and extra resources, we’ve been carrying out large numbers of repairs, more than 500 a week at peak times.

So make sure you come along and help us make a new beginning!

You can book your places on Eventbrite or by contacting Southway in your preferred way. 

By booking onto the event we can make sure you are catered for with the refreshments.